July 20th, 2019 Book Club Meeting

Time: 11 am – 2 pm Location: Milwaukee Public Library, Central Branch, Conference Room 2B Readings: The Dispossessed, Chapters 1-6 by Ursula K. Leguin (11 am – 12 pm) “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx (12 pm – 1 pm) Open Discussion (1 pm – 2 pm) Please join Milwaukee DSA for our socialist book […]

The Politics of Resentment by Katherine Cramer

Cramer criss-crossed Wisconsin to get to know as many rural Wisconsin residents as possible. Republicans have created state laws to render illegal many local reforms, including Milwaukee’s paid sick day ordinance and its century-old residency requirement for city employees. Addressing problems locally is thus impossible without organizing the rest of the state. From the publisher: […]

No Shortcuts by Jane McAlevey

Why you should read this book: McAlevey covers a fascinating history of the CIO under George Meany. Meany was notoriously anti-communist, yet he relied heavily on American communists when organizing workplaces. He did so because they were successful; when Meany hired communist organizers, the unionization drive always succeeded. But whenever he hired non-communist organizers, the […]

Evicted by Matthew Desmond

A heartbreaking account of housing insecurity in Milwaukee. Matthew Desmond spent over a year living in a south side trailer park and a north side rooming house in order to learn about the struggles of low income renters. He also shadowed landlords in order to learn about both sides of Milwaukee’s rental housing market. This […]

Dog Whistle Politics by Ian Haney-Lopez

Much ink has been spilled on the perils of race reductionism–the idea that racism is the primary cause of society’s problems–and class reductionism–the idea that racism can be understood simply through a lens of poverty or inequality. Haney-Lopez offers a view of race that is neither race- nor class reductionist. From psychological research to politicians’ […]